The Wonderful World Of Leet!

What is Leet?  Perhaps you know it by another name – 1337? This is also known as ELEET or leetspeak. 

Leet is a system of modified spellings used primarily on the internet.  This system uses common replacement characters that closely resemble the original alphanumeric value.  For example, the website address that you used to get to this site is  This is leet code.  The IVI closely resembles an M and the 4 would be used in place of an A, next, the 7 resembles a T which would make the name of this site MATT. (My name). 

Leet originated in the 1980s on internet chat rooms.  The creation of this cipher is credited to the Cult of the Dead Cow hacker collective or cDc. 

A list of common substitution characters used in LEET is listed below, however, it is important to note that this is not a comprehensive list. 

Keep Calm and Speak Leet

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